
 News 11th Apr 2022 Updated 12th Apr 2022

The 157th Mark Benevolent Fund

President: R.W.Bro. Ian Wright PGM

Annual Festival 2025, Oxfordshire

Chairman: V.W.Bro. Barry Prior DPGM

Festival Update

April 2022

Brethren welcome to the April newsletter. Easter is fast approaching and I am sure that you all have exciting plans now that we no longer have such tight Covid regulations to adhere to. Please stay safe.
I hope that you find this newsletter informative; it is a further way that we can keep in contact with what is going on around the Province. You will see that we now have an interesting members section to our website, and I would urge you all to investigate it.
In March Wendy and I enjoyed a great weekend at the Oxfordshire Mark Ladies Weekend. It was not exclusive to Mark Masons and I was supported very well by my Bertie Craft members. I had it in mind some years ago to hold a Mark weekend and Bournemouth seemed an obvious choice. Covid got in the way and delayed things somewhat. I would like to move this event around the country and would welcome venue suggestions.
It is not long to our Provincial AGM and you will see that we have changed the venue to The Bicester Hotel Golf and Spa. The Provincial Meeting is the highlight of Oxfordshire's year; it will be the first AGM that I have hosted since my Investiture. I hope to see you all there enjoying yourselves and supporting the new Provincial Officers.
Brethren, we have been through some pretty dire times, but we are getting back to normal. We must all be understanding and do what we can to help one another. Please keep in your prayers the poor souls on each side of the conflict in Ukraine.
God Bless.

R.W.Bro. Ian W. Wright


Oxfordshire Mark Masonic
Benevolent Association Report

(OMMBA Report)
On 5th April the Committee of OMMBA met to consider a number of items. In particular the Committee approved the following donations:-
• Oxfordshire Provincial Craft 2022 Festival - £1,000.
• MBF 2022 Festival hosted by the Province of Surrey - £1,000. This is additional to the earlier approved donation of £1,000.
• MBF 2023 Festival Hosted by West Yorkshire - £1,000.
• MBF Fund for the Ukraine - £2,500.
• MBF 2025 Festival – our own – a matching donation of up to £400 in respect of The Golden Hind event organised by University Lodge of Mark Masters No. 55.
Were a request to be made, the committee agreed to assist the widow of a Brother whose front door had been damaged by the emergency services when attending to assist her. No other requests for assistance have been received.
The Bonus Ball Bounces Back
Covid has compounded the problems with the running of the bonus ball as subscribing members have reduced without new numbers being sold.
The current rules prevent a game being run unless all 59 numbers have been sold. After consideration the committee agreed that the rules should be amended to permit games to be run provided 40 numbers have been sold.
This does mean that games can continue. This may result in a small reduction in the prize monies.
The Bonus Ball Competition finances our Almoner’s Fund which is used to provide annual gifts to our widows and to offer small immediate assistance if requested.
Click here for an application form to purchase a number. I urge all Brethren to support our Provincial Grand Almoner and the Almoners of your Lodges by immediately signing up to purchase a number, or even two as a surprise for your wife/ partner.
Thank you.
V.W.Bro Barry Prior
Chairman OMMBA


A Day at the Races

Newbury Racecourse
  Friday 15th July 2022
Tickets £48 each
Includes a £10 food and drink voucher
£2 Free Tote Bet and Racecard Voucher
Free Parking in the Premier Car Park
Times: Gates Open - 12.00pm
First Race – 1pm Last Race - 5.05pm
All Masons, Non- Masons, Wives or Partners are Welcome to attend.

View PDF


New Provincial Website Members Area

Find A Lodge Summons
We now have a new "members" section on the Provincial website (click "Members" on the top right side of the home page menu). You will need a password to enter the page which has been circulated to all Lodge Secretaries and Scribes. If you do not have a copy of the password, please contact your Lodge Secretary/ Scribe or marketing(at)
Presently, all Mark and RAM summonses are being placed here, but any other Lodge information (such as fundraising or social events) that you wish to include would be welcome. In order to have information added to the members area, please contact marketing(at)
Replace '(at)' with '@' in the email address.


Provincial Class of Improvement

A Physical Meeting!

A physical meeting for the Class of Improvement has been arranged for Tuesday 26th April 2022, commencing at 7:00pm. This will be held at the Bicester Masonic Centre, 8 North Street, Bicester.
The sessions of the Class of Improvement will be of particular use to those who may be still young in their Mark Masonry and just starting out on the journey through the progressive Offices. However, all members are welcome. Having a familiarity with the ritual assists in both learning and delivery. We only get one opportunity to make a first impression which is both good and well-received by the candidate. The Class of Improvement can help to supplement rehearsals as well as serving as a friendly atmosphere in which to get to know Brethren from a wider circle of Lodges across the Province.


Mark Lodge Meeting Dates


Installation Dates are displayed in bold italic.

We have been advertising Lodge meeting dates on our social media exactly one week before a meeting takes place. In order to benefit from these helpful reminders, please ensure that you are following us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

University Lodge No. 55 Sat, 21
Abbey Lodge No. 225 Thu, 28
Alfred Lodge No. 247 Wed, 20
Marlborough Lodge No. 980 Tue, 12
Thames Lodge No. 1183 Fri, 29
St. Mary's Lodge No. 1242 Fri, 3
Weyland Lodge No. 1305 Wed, 11
Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1330 Fri, 6
Windrush C&M Lodge No. 1386 Fri, 20
Wychwood Lodge No. 1443 Thu, 19Thu, 16
Godstow Lodge No. 1546 Wed, 1
Bowyer Lodge No. 1655 Mon, 13


RAM Lodge Meeting Dates


Installation Dates are displayed in bold italic.

Oxford University Lodge No. 55 Sat, 21
Alfred Lodge No. 247 Tues, 20
Cherwell Lodge No. 847 Tue, 28
Marlborough Lodge No. 980 Tue, 10
Thames Lodge No. 1183 Wed, 18
St. Mary's Lodge No. 1242 Fri, 3
Installed Commanders Lodge No. 1330Tue, 7
Bowyer Lodge No. 1655 Thu, 7
Menatschim Lodge No. 1838 Mon, 20

Mark Emergency Relief Fund
Ukraine Humanitarian Support
Letter from The Provincial Grand Master

Dear Brethren,
You should have all received an email from Grand Lodge about the donation of £25,000 from the Mark Benevolent Fund for the humanitarian relief for Ukraine that was announced at Mark Grand Lodge on Tuesday 8th March.
A relief chest with the M.C.F. under the name Mark Emergency Relief Fund has now been set up by Mark Grand Lodge following enquiries from many Brethren on how they can further support the humanitarian effort.
In order that Oxfordshire Mark Masons may donate to the Mark Emergency Relief Fund, I have arranged with the Provincial Grand Treasurer that donations from individuals and Lodges should be collected centrally and then a Provincial payment will be made direct to the MBF and identify the names of the individuals and Lodges that have made the donations.
Additionally, I am pleased to announce that a donation from our own benevolent fund, The Oxfordshire Mark Masons Benevolent Association, for £2,500 has been approved and made.
The humanitarian crisis which continues to unfold daily will require a large amount of financial support. Whilst we may not be able to assist at the country level, we can provide support at the level of individuals and families. So far, 3.6 million people have fled Ukraine and there are a further 6.5 million who are described as being internally displaced. This represents nearly a quarter of the entire population of Ukraine.
Should you feel able to make a donation to the Mark Emergency Relief Fund, bank transfers may be made to:
Account name: PGL of MMM of Oxfordshire
Account No.: TBC
Sort code: TBC
Reference: UMERF
The reference should include you MMH Number (found on your Grand Lodge Certificate) for personal donations or the Mark or RAM number for Lodge donations (e.g. MARKxxxx or RAMxxxx).
When making the payment please send an email to the Provincial Grand Treasurer, W.Bro. Paul Benham, at frank15william(at) advising of the payment and also if you have previously made a donation to the MBF and ticked the 'Gift Aid' box. You should also state the Mark Lodge of which you are a member. Gift aid adds an additional 25% to any personal donation received by the MBF.
Yours faithfully and fraternally,
R.W. Bro. Ian W. Wright
Provincial Grand Master
Replace '(at)' with '@' in the email address.

The Annual General Meeting of
Provincial Grand Lodge
 Bicester Hotel Golf & Spa, Bicester OX26 1TH
 Thursday 12th May 2022 3pm.


Summons - click here to read

Oh, We Do Like To Be Beside the Seaside!!

The Oxfordshire Mark Masons' Provincial Ladies Festival was held over the weekend of 18th-20th March.
Fifty guests responded to the invitation from Wendy Wright, the Provincial Grand Master's lady, to join her and Ian at The Queens Hotel, Bournemouth, and a great time was had by all.
During the gloriously sunny weekend, the guests dined, danced and had a thoroughly good time, glad to be making new friends and meeting old friends socially after many months of restrictions.
The weekend, which was brilliantly organised by Worshipful Brother Barry Weston, included dinner (with a quiz and dancing) on Friday evening and a formal banquet (with even more dancing) on Saturday.
Some guests began their festivities at lunchtime on Friday, and consequently paid the price ... you know who you are!!
All who attended are looking forward to a similar event next year. Those who did not attend missed a great weekend.






Deputy Provincial Grand Master and his Lady with the Ladies Gift.

W.Bro. Barry Weston regaling our Ladies with a rendition of the Ladies Song.

The Name is Bond ... Festival Bond ... Update

The MBF 2025 Festival weekend is taking place on 4th-6th July 2025 at the beautiful Oxford University Examination Schools.
In order to secure the venue, it was necessary to pay an initial 25% deposit. This has been funded by ten Brethren in the Province each 'purchasing' a Festival Bond for £1,000. This will be repaid once tickets are sold; each purchaser will benefit from a 10% reduction on the price of a ticket.
In 2023, a further interim payment of £25,000 is due.
The intention is to issue further Festival Bonds to fund this.
It is appreciated that £1,000 is a lot to ask, so these Bonds will be available to Brethren for £500 each; the value of the Bond will be repaid when tickets are sold, and each purchaser will benefit from a 5% reduction on the price of a ticket.
Since last reporting, four more Brethren have taken out £500 or £1,000 Bonds.
We still have a long way to go. If you feel able to support the Province in this way please contact Barry Prior, Festival Chairman 'chairman(at)' or David Cumming, Festival Secretary 'secretary(at)' to express your interest.
Replace '(at)' with '@' in the email address.

A Letter from The Provincial Grand Charity Steward
The 157th MBF Annual Festival 2025, Oxfordshire


Click here to read

Incoming Provincial Officers
If you would like to save a few pounds, VW Bro Ron Bridger has donated the following regalia to the Provincial Festival Fund:-

Provincial Grand Junior Warden - Full dress apron. Full dress collar and Past Officer's Jewel
Provincial Grand Junior Deacon  - Full dress apron. Full dress collar and Past Officer's Jewel

Reasonable offers will secure.

Please contact VW Bro Barry Prior on 07775 898729, or at chairman(at)
Replace '(at)' with '@' in the email address.

 Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Telephone: 07769 974220 | Email: webmaster(at)
Any comments or improvements to this site, please contact the webmaster.

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The inclusion of links on this website does not imply endorsement or otherwise.

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