
 News 26th Nov 2024

The 157th Mark Benevolent Fund

President: R.W.Bro. Ian Wright PGM

Annual Festival 2025, Oxfordshire

Chairman: Bro. Mocky Khan PrGCO

Festival Update

December 2024
Brethren, I am constantly amazed how quickly this festive period returns. It doesn't seem long since last Christmas, but such a lot has happened.
Masonically, we have all been very busy. The Festival Committee are steadily working towards the success of our Festival and its conclusion at the Examination Schools on the High Street Oxford in July 2025.
I am sure that you have heard Mocky, David, Adrian and myself and all other members of the Festival Committee extolling the Festival. The Province, your Province, needs your commitment to our Festival Weekend.
December is a whirlwind of social, work, masonic and family commitments, but not for all. There are many for whom Christmas is a lonely time. Could I ask all of you to remember those brethren and try to contact them; a simple phone call can often mean so much. Help your Almoner!
Wendy and I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous new year.

R.W.Bro. Ian Watson Wright
Provincial Grand Master

The PGM's Skydive initiative will take place on Saturday 8th March 2025 at Hinton in the Hedges Airfield.
Volunteers are required and should make their intentions known to Adrian Barlow (email:


MBF Festival, Oxfordshire:
Freemasons At The Home Of Free Speech

Join us on 18th July 2025 at the Oxford Union Society for a welcome reception to mark the start of the MBF Festival Weekend.
What do Richard Nixon, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Sir Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Queen Elizabeth II and Michael Jackson all have in common? They have all addressed the Oxford Union (not at the same time).
See the iconic Debating Chamber, that has seen all these visitors, and where generations of UK Prime Ministers and the world's leaders have learnt their trade. Visit the Old Library, adorned by murals of Arthurian legend, painted by the greatest Victorian artists. And re-unite with old friends and find new ones, as the Province of Oxfordshire gives you its warmest welcome.
Please book now for the Oxfordshire MBF Festival, as accommodation will become scarce nearer the time.
We look forward to seeing you!


A Great RAM Evening at Woodstock

On Tuesday 12th November, the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Ian Wright, presided over the Oxfordshire Provincial Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners. This was held at Woodstock under the banner of Marlborough RAM Lodge.
The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was supported by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother Adrian Barlow, and many of his Provincial Grand Officers. He was pleased that all the Province's Royal Ark Mariner Lodges were represented at the meeting.
One highlight of the evening was the appointment of the following Worshipful Brethren to RAM Provincial Grand Rank: David Portman; Terry Mallarky; Chris Norman; George Penny; Grahame Lee and Alex Yen. They celebrated their appointment at the festive board which was thoroughly enjoyed by all Brethren present.



Provincial Class of Improvement

Whilst the sessions of the Class of Improvement will be of particular use to those who may be still young in their Mark/ RAM Masonry and just starting out on the journey through the progressive Offices, all members of the Province (including Directors of Ceremonies and their assistants) are welcome to attend. Having a familiarity with the ritual assists in both learning, teaching, and delivery. We only get one opportunity to make a first impression which is both good and well received by the candidate. The Class of Improvement can help to supplement rehearsals as well as serving as a friendly atmosphere in which to get to know brethren from a wider circle of lodges across the province.
Most recently the Class of Improvement has supported Abbey RAM No. 225 in planning, organising and rehearsing for their quadruple Elevation Ceremony, in which Bros. Mocky Khan, Brian Page, Keith Ackroyd, and Keiron Baker joined the Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners in an excellent ceremony performed in the Council Chamber of the Guildhall, Abingdon on 28th November 2024.


Lodge MBF Honorifics So Far...

Grand Patron Gold
University 55Thames 1183
Thames 1183
St. Mary's 1242
Abbey 225Abbey 225
Alfred 247Marlborough 980
Cherwell 847Menatschim 1838
Marlborough 980
Weyland 1305
Windrush Car & Motorcycle 1386
Wychwood 1443
Vice Patron
Bowyer 1655Alfred 247
Menatschim 1838


Racing Away at the Salisbury Club

Grateful, given the inclement weather, that the event was being held indoors, Thames Mark Lodge recently ran a successful race night at The Salisbury Club in Henley.
The evening was brilliantly run by Stephen Quant and Allan Dishington, and supported by the members of The Salisbury Club and Masonic Brethren. John Grout is President of the club and, as always, worked behind the scenes to get the event organised.
The event was undoubtedly a social success, but financial success for the punters was "variable". Nonetheless, money was raised for the MBF Festival 2025, and we can look forward to warmer weather when we visit Newbury Races for another Festival event on Friday 16th May next year.
Another lucky winner!

More Profit for the MBF!



Oxford and Freemasonry:
From King Alfred to the 2025 MBF Festival

The 157th MBF Festival will be held on 18-19th July in Oxford, celebrating the unique association between Oxford and Freemasonry. What exactly is that association? Read on . . .

Alfred the Great: Oxford was an important town in Saxon Wessex, and boasts a close association with Alfred the Great (born down the road in Wantage, Oxfordshire). Oxenford was where the Oxen (the symbol of our City) crossed the River Thames, or Isis. So, unless you believe the probable legend that Alfred founded the University, the town is far older than the university. Similarly with masonry; the senior craft lodge in the Province, named after Alfred, pre-dates University Freemasonry. Alfred of course was not a Freemason, but shared many of our values. Most notably, he invented the candle clock and, "So divided the twenty-four hours of the day and night as to employ eight of them in writing, in reading, and in prayer, eight in the refreshment of his body, and eight in dispatching the business of the realm."

Alfred at Wantage, Oxfordshire


Cattle fording the Isis at Port Meadow, Oxford


Duke Humphry's Library, Bodleian

The Medieval University: Just when the University was founded is unclear; it is of Time Immemorial foundation. But it is clear that it is the second oldest university in continuous operation, and the oldest in the UK. (Exiled Oxford scholars much later fled to the swamps of East Anglia and set up a splinter faction). Oxford was a beacon of learning throughout the Middle Ages, where scholars rich and poor alike could study the liberal arts and sciences, theology, law and medicine.

Renaissance: The Oxford of today was shaped by the Renaissance and Reformation, suffering through the upheavals of the sixteenth century. Its grandest College, Christ Church was founded as Cardinal College by one Thomas Wolsey. It was re-branded after Wolsey fell from favour and Henry VIII took over his college and his palace (at Hampton Court). Sir Thomas Bodley (Elizabethan diplomat, spy and Lecturer in Greek) re-founded the University's library and in so doing had built perhaps the first monument to the Five Orders of Architecture in England.

Tower of the Five Orders


Tom Quad, Christ Church

Revolution: Oxford is often known as the "Home of Lost Causes", so it was to Christ Church that Charles I headed in search of a court away from the Parliamentarian heartland of London and East Anglia. Oxford suffered terribly in the Parliamentarian siege of the City, but stayed loyal to Charles when all others had forsaken him and the dark days of Cromwell (Sidney Sussex, Cambridge) took hold.

Restoration: One of Charles' lieutenants in Oxford was a Staffordshire solicitor called Elias Ashmole. After the fall of Oxford, Ashmole travelled back to his wife's homeland in Cheshire where, on 16 October 1646, he was "Made a Free Mason at Warrington in Lancashire", and in so doing became the first recorded English Speculative Freemason. Following the Restoration of Charles II, Ashmole, a keen antiquarian, collector and alchemist, founded Oxford's Ashmolean Museum, the first truly public museum in Europe, a monument to learning and self-improvement.

Elias Ashmole


Encaenia Procession, Radcliffe Square

Meanwhile other prominent Royalists like Sir Christopher Wren (Wadham and All Souls), thought to have been a member of the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, worked to restore Oxford's splendour. Wren's Sheldonian Theatre, a dazzling reconstruction of a Roman Theatre, forms the heart of the University today.

Eminent Victorians: Freemasonry really took hold in the Town and University of Oxford in the Nineteenth Century (of which more on another occasion). Edward VII and his brother Prince Leopold both went through the Chair in Oxford, while Cecil Rhodes was initiated in Oxford. One George Portal was initiated in 1848 and, after taking holy orders, was instrumental in the development of Mark Masonry and the founder of the Mark Benevolent Fund. He was also a founder of University Lodge of Mark Masters, Oxfordshire's first Mark lodge. One later member was Brother Oscar Wilde who (according to masonic legend) remained a member of the Mark after his infamous trial, when all others forsook him. The true story will be found in volume two of this story . . .

You will have chance to see all the places mentioned in this article as you tour Oxford with us this summer, seeing places never usually visited by tourists. As Oxford is very busy over the summer, please book now to secure your ticket and accommodation.

Revd Canon George Raymond Portal


Oscar Wilde in Apollo Court Dress


David Cumming's RowVember Challenge - He's Done It!!

Despite being physically unsuited for the task, David Cumming, the Festival Secretary, has completed his ROWVEMBER CHALLENGE!
He was attempting to row on dry land (he cannot swim) the distance that the River Thames runs through Oxfordshire, from Lechlade to Henley-on-Thames, during the month of November. This is a total of 136.6 km, or 85.37 miles.
By the end of the first week, he had covered 31.5 km (19.6 miles), reaching Pinkhill Lock; the second week took his total to 66.5 km (41.6 miles), getting to Culham Lock; in the third week he brought his total to 97.7km (61 miles), reaching Goring Lock; his final week's efforts brought him to Henley Bridge with a total of 136.63 km (85.4 miles) and the successful completion of his challenge.


This was a difficult task for a 75-year-old with no previous rowing experience. David told us: "This has been the start of my rowing 'career' and it is also the end of it." His legs are no longer muscular and, although he has decent shoulders (for his age!), there must be some magic in these special shorts he wears when rowing.
David has been greatly encouraged by his wife, Ginny, who was happy for David to take on the challenge provided he did not expect post-task physiotherapy. He was spurred on by the sponsorship he received, raising over £2,500 for the MBF Festival 2025, Oxfordshire. He is very grateful to over sixty kind individuals who contributed – members of Oxfordshire Mark Province, other Masons, together with an assortment of other generous souls including his family, friends from his football club (no, he does not play . . . don't be daft!), his golf club and, last but by no means least, his dentist.


Oxfordshire Brethren Visit To Hampshire

Several Oxfordshire Mark brethren visited the Charles Dickens Lodge No. 8597 (Craft) in Hampshire and Isle of Wight to see Bro. Steven Purnell installed into the chair for the first time in his mother craft lodge.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Adrian Barlow, reports "I was honoured to attend Steven's installation into his Mother Craft Lodge Charles Dickens at Cosham in the Province of Hampshire and Isle of Wight. I have extended our collective congratulations to Steven on this achievement. It was a fantastic evening and Steven surprised me by asking for the Director of Ceremonies to present me to him. He then proceeded on behalf of the brethren of Charles Dickens to present me with a cheque of £200 towards our MBF Festival appeal. I thanked the WM and brethren for the generous donation and assured them that it would be put to immediate and excellent use. What an example to set!"
Our aim is to raise money for our Oxfordshire Festival, the donations can come from outside of Mark and from any orders. Therefore, please do consider donating to our Oxfordshire Festival from your Lodges outside of Mark. All donations are greatly appreciated. Let us know in advance if you are donating and one of the Festival Team, or even the DPGM, will be in attendance!


MBF Charities Manager Visits Thames Mark Lodge

Brethren of Thames Mark Lodge have given great support to the MBF Festival 2025, Oxfordshire, and the Lodge is on the brink of receiving the Grand Patron Diamond collarette in recognition of this great achievement.
At their November meeting, the Lodge was honoured by the presence of Worshipful Brother Darren Coleman-Heald, MBF Charities Manager, who gave a talk on the charity and its work. As well as encouraging Brethren of Thames Mark Lodge, and representatives of other Lodges present, to continue their support of the Festival in its final months, Darren was at pains to ensure that Brethren were aware that the MBF charity was always on the lookout for organisations or individuals who might benefit from financial assistance. To this end, he promised to send the Lodge Secretary a list of local organisations who might benefit.
The Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother David Miller, thanked Darren for his visit and his informative talk. David went on to encourage Brethren to continue support of the Festival and to book for the Festival weekend in July 2025. These sentiments were echoed by Worshipful Brother Adrian Barlow, Deputy Provincial Grand Master as he thanked Darren on behalf of the Province.
Darren then joined the Brethren for a typically-lively and enjoyable Henley festive board.


Mark Lodge Meeting Dates


Installation Dates are displayed in bold italic. If you have any images or news articles about lodge meetings, perhaps advertising an advancement or installation please contact us and they will be included in the Newsletter and on Social Media. In order to keep up to date with goings on in the Province, please ensure that you are following us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

University Lodge No. 55 Sat 15
Abbey Lodge No. 225 Thu 27Thu 24
Alfred Lodge No. 247 Wed 18Wed 16
Cherwell Lodge No. 847 Tue 28Tue 25
Marlborough Lodge No. 980 Tue 11
Thames Lodge No. 1183 Fri 17Fri 25
St. Mary's Lodge No. 1242 Fri 7
Weyland Lodge No. 1305 Tue 3
Windrush C&M Lodge No. 1386 Fri 13Fri 4
Wychwood Lodge No. 1443 Thu 13
Godstow Lodge No. 1546 Wed 5
Bowyer Lodge No. 1655 Mon 10
See the full calendar here.


RAM Lodge Meeting Dates


Installation Dates are displayed in bold italic. If you have any images or news articles about lodge meetings, perhaps advertising an elevation or installation please contact us and they will be included in the Newsletter and on Social Media. In order to keep up to date with goings on in the Province, please ensure that you are following us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Abbey Lodge No. 225 Thu 24
Alfred Lodge No. 247 Wed 18Wed 16
Marlborough Lodge No. 980 Wed 19
Thames Lodge No. 1183 Fri 28
St. Mary's Lodge No. 1242 Fri 7
Installed Commanders Lodge No. 1330 Wed 4
Windrush Lodge No. 1386 Fri 13Thu 20
Bowyer Lodge No. 1655 Thu 5Thu 3
See the full calendar here.


Festival Banquet - The Grand Finale

You are cordially invited to join us at the historic Oxford University Examination Schools. This grand Victorian building stands at the heart of the University, and strikes fear into the hearts of all graduates of the University, as the scene of their final examinations. You will dine surrounded by portraits of former Chancellors as we celebrate the long association between the Town and University of Oxford and Freemasonry.
The reception will commence at 6:30pm in the beautiful rear Quadrangle.
The fine dining banquet in the North and East Schools will commence at 7:30pm.
Following the dinner the Grand Secretary will announce the results of the Festival.
We will end the evening with an opportunity to dance to the music of Abba, courtesy of Sing Out Sisters.
Please note that it is impossible to drive to the venue and there is no transport arranged between the Exam Schools and the Hotels. Attendees are advised to walk or use Oxford's excellent public transport. There are details on the accommodation and transport pages of bus links between the venue and hotel. Those with limited mobility are advised to arrange a taxi or contact the organising team for advice before booking.
Price: Tickets are priced at £115 per person.
We understand the cost is unavoidably higher than for previous Festival Banquets. In order that as many as possible are able to attend, we have arranged an option to pay by monthly instalments.
Please see further details on the booking page.
The higher than usual cost is because Oxford is an expensive destination and we have secured a truly iconic venue. Oxfordshire is one of the smallest Provinces and we unable to subsidise the event without seriously impacting on our Festival fundraising.

Black treacle cured Bibury trout, chive sourcream, beetroot salad (DF upon request, GF)
Slow roasted aubergine, red pepper purée, coriander and preserved lemon coconut yoghurt (GF, VG)
Main Courses
Braised Blenheim lamb shoulder, ratatouille, olive herb rösti, broccoli, lamb jus (DF, GF)
Sweetcorn risotto, toasted hazelnuts, torched vegan feta, pickled red onion (GF, VG)
Lemon tart, raspberry gel, honey oats
Dark chocolate cheesecake, blackcurrant compote (VG)
Half bottle of wine included.
(DF = Dairy free, GF = Gluten free, VG = Vegan)

Please enter any allergies or intolerances on the booking form.

Saturday Dress Code:
Brethren & Gentlemen: This is a Black-Tie Event, Lodge Past Masters, Provincial Grand Lodge Officers (Past & Active), Grand Lodge Officers (Past & Active) are permitted to wear their respective Collars and Jewels.
Provincial & District Leaders are permitted to wear their respective Chain of Office. No Aprons are to be worn.
Ladies: Formal Evening Dress
Brethren: MBF Collarettes may be worn; Ladies may wear their MBF brooches if they wish.

Banquet Booking Form


How can I support the Oxfordshire Mark Festival?

A Mark Festival in support of the Mark Benevolent Fund (MBF) is hosted by a single Province for the year. The Mark Province of Oxfordshire will be hosting the celebratory dinner on Saturday 19th July 2025 being the conclusion of our current fund raising efforts. At this event we also be receiving many guests from Provinces from around England and Wales together with a deputation from Mark Grand Lodge.
Donations and fund raising in support of the Festival can be as individuals, the Lodge, and the Province. All events held should be fun and enjoyable.
As Individuals
Purchase the Oxfordshire MBF Festival Stewardship Jewel. The application form may be downloaded here.
Now that the Craft Festival has finished you may wish to this opportunity of making the regular contribution by
         Standing order to the MBF.
         Ad-hoc single donations.
         The forms may be downloaded here.
         Arrange an event to raise funds.
A range of merchandise is also available, please contact your Lodge Charity Representative, your Lodge's Festival Area Representative or visit the website here.
The Lodge
Arrange an event or series of events to raise funds. Don't forget to invite other members and Lodges from around the Province.
Hold a raffle at the end of the meeting.
A number of events to be held have been planned. The exact dates will be announced in good time to enable you to reserve the timing in your diary.
Details of Lodge and Provincial events will be publicised here.
The Oxfordshire Mark Masons Benevolent Association (OMMBA)
Where funds are raised through an event either as a Lodge or by an individual, our own charity OMMBA has agreed to match the funds raised to a limit of £1,000 per event for a Lodge or £100 for an individual.
Further information
Our dedicated Festival Website.

The motto of the MBF is "Bis dat qui cito dat" – he gives twice who gives promptly


 Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Email: webmaster(at)
Any comments or improvements to this site, please contact the webmaster.

Disclaimer: Links are owned by and are the responsibility of third parties. OMPGL and its members cannot be held responsible for the suitability of external content.
The inclusion of links on this website does not imply endorsement or otherwise.

All images and logos are copyrighted to their respective owners.

